To my world–a world of fantasy, inspiration, romance, hope, and magick. I’m a dark romance author that has a love for bad boys who are secretly superheroes, a knack for storytelling, and a passion for energy work.
I am interested in telling stories – the ones we tell ourselves and the ones we tell the world. I am continuously inspired to engage as both the story and storyteller as I infuse magick into the words and spaces in between. I seek to inspire love in my writings, tarot readings, and crystal kits to remind others that we are not alone.
I am an intuitive tarot reader that enjoys offering guidance and motivation on your life journey and soul path to help you make positive decisions for the future. Intuition is a powerful guide. It’s the gut feeling that warns you of danger or brings you butterflies when you are in love. It is something that sticks with us and calls out to pay attention to it. It is something that you can’t ignore. It is always with you, ready for you to tap into it.
Arika’s debut erotic novel EROS’ EDGE: The Sanctuary was released in June 2015 by Liquid Silver Books. She is currently revising the second edition and is in the editing stage of the next four books in the series.
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