Once Upon a Night – Poems from the Eros’ Edge Series

One Upon a Night – Poetry from the Eros’ Edge Series
I loved him,
with all my soul.
I did.
The miracle was,
he loved me too.
kissed the color from his lips,
listened to the hymns of his pulse,
basked in the light of his voice,
the sweet caress of his words,
the echos of his soul.
He resonated inside of me —
his melody reverberated in my core,
but I was not allowed to love him.
I desired his darkness,
how it embraced me
once upon a night —
I screamed his name
but the endless abyss I once loved
was empty.
It held me no more.
We loved each other,
we did.
Like tragic Shakespearean prose,
our stars crossed paths as they fell,
into the arms of each other,
before —
the sun swallowed us whole.
My blood stained fingers,
yearning to hold us together,
clawed desperately
for you.
I await the night
to see the constellations in your eyes
again —
and to tell you,
I loved you.
Upon a Night
Copyright 2020, Arika Stone